How to sell WordPress themes and HTML templates from Template Sell?

Are you a WordPress theme developer or HTML templates developer? Do you want to sell WordPress themes and HTML templates and want to start earning? If you are looking for best place to sell your creativity, work, and talent globally, you can start selling from Template Sell.

Template Sell is a growing marketplace for WordPress themes, HTML templates, and WordPress plugins as well. Thousands of satisfied users are using products from template sell. Some of them are using the free version and some of them are using premium version too.  In the case of the free version, you will have limited features. In addition, you will get dedicated support, timely updates, and high rich features theme.

Similarly, premium themes are highly crafted and meticulously developed so that your website will look awesome, unique and visitor attractive. Furthermore, premium products give you best experience in case of search engine optimization and traffic generation.

Besides this, premium products are best than the free version because of its stunning flexibility and features. Template Sell is the perfect place to buy or sell WordPress themes and HTML templates.

Steps to join as an author

  • First, register as an author from this page. 
  • Fill all the required fields
  • Click on Register
  • Now, you are a member of Template Sell

How to Upload items on Template Sell?

After the successful registration on the website, you can upload the items and submit it for the review. Every submitted item will go for review/pending status. If your items have issues, reviewers will get back to you with the issues. You can solve those issues and resubmit the item again.

  • After successfully creating the account, log in to the marketplace.
  • Go to your Template Sell Menu and hover on Your Username (Top right corner)
  • You will see the Upload Items on Drop-down Menu.
  • Hit the Upload Items Links. It will bring the item upload page. Provide necessary information and finally upload your item.

What are the required standards for HTML Templates?

An item you are going to submit must follow the required guidelines. Properly check the standards listed below before submitting the HTML templates.

  • All vendor generated HTML needs to be validated via the W3C validation. However, browser prefixes and any other cut cutting-edged will be exempt.
  • For a theme to be marked HTML5 compliant, the relevant semantic structural elements need to be present and used appropriately
  • No hardcoded inline styles are allowed anywhere. Dynamic inline styles are permitted where necessary.
  • IDs and classes need to be appropriately named and follow a naming convention.
  • Use humanly readable selectors that describe what element(s) they style.
  • Refrain from using over-qualified selectors, div.container can simply be stated as .container.
  • For a theme to be marked HTML5 compliant, the relevant semantic structural elements need to be present and used appropriately.

Required things for WordPress themes

You must follow the guidelines while developing WordPress themes. Check the basic standards of WordPress theme here. Furthermore, check the below-listed things to know the standards of WordPress theme. To sell WordPress themes and HTML templates on this marketplace, you need to develop the theme based on the guidelines. Evey guidelines are based on .org rule. If you are familiar with those rules, you can easily submit the items in Template Sell.

  • 1. No deprecated template tags allowed.
  • Themes are required to eliminate WARNING, REQUIRED, RECOMMENDED, and INFO notices from the ‘Theme-Check‘or NS Theme Check plugin.
  • The functions like wp_title(), wp_head(), wp_footer(), post_class(), body_class() are mandatory.
  • If incorporated into the theme, custom template files are required to be called using get_template_part().
  • File naming and structure must follow WordPress best practices. For example, do not use tag-header.php, custom-header.php etc.
  • WordPress core features need to be incorporated like Automatic Links, Post Thumbnail, Comments
  • Content width is used to assign a maximum width for media and is mandatory.
  • Default WordPress CSS classes must be covered in the stylesheet since this is expected native behavior.
  • Use a unique prefix for all function names, classes, hooks, public/global variables, and database entries to avoid conflict issues with plugins and other themes.
  • wp_enqueue_style() must be used to enqueue all stylesheets.
  • wp_enqueue_script() must be used to add any JavaScript code to a page.
  • Themes will be required to use whichever version of jQuery ships with the current version of WordPress.
  • Themes must not have any PHP notices, warnings, or errors – please develop with errors enabled, and WP_DEBUG set to true.
  • The database shouldn’t be accessed or modified directly. If there is a defined function that can get the data you need, that must be used instead. Use $wpdb and its methods to interface with the database instead of rolling your own.

Standards for Javascript

  • JavaScript code should be placed in external files whenever possible.
  • JavaScript files need to be placed in the footer where possible, barring notable exceptions, for example, Modernizr, jQuery UI, etc.
  • The code shouldn’t raise any errors or notices.

If your item is developed based on the above guidelines, you can submit the items. In addition, if your theme is not developed based on the guidelines, it may get rejected as well. So, if you have any queries, post comment in the below comment section, we will guide you on how to follow the guidelines as well.

Still confusion? Please let us know about your problem, we will help you with some more possible alternatives. We will come with video documentation soon.

You will get up to 80% commission. Isn’t that great?

Submit your product today and start earning with us. 🙂