Product Details

GistPro is the best ever crafted free WordPress theme for Blog, news, and Magazine. The GistPro is a simple, easy to use, modern and creative, user-friendly WordPress theme with typography, fonts and color options.

The GistPro is the first theme developed by Candid Themes although this theme is meticulously developed by their experts’ team. It’s a clean and minimal design, quality codes, responsive and mobile-friendly design are the best factors.

This theme comes with typography options, color options, pagination types, multiple blog page layout, sidebar options, breadcrumb, powered by text, copyright text options, etc. Besides this, GistPro has featured image options, excerpt length options, related post options, custom widgets for an author, advertisement, popular post and featured post. Check this awesome theme today for your blog site, you will never look for the alternatives.

Change Log

= 1.0.6 - June 03 2020 =
* Tested with latest WP verison
* Checkbox and other customizer style added
* Breadcrumb functionality added for plugin support

= 1.0.5 - May 12 2020 =
* Tested with latest WP version
* Theme info page added
* Fixed some minor CSS issues
* Breadcrumb search console issues fixed
* Related post issues fixed
* Editor style added

= 1.0.3 - May 26 2019 =
* Widget JS Issue Fixed
* Checked with latest WP Version

= 1.0.2 - March 1 2019 =
* Pagination issues fixed 
* Masonry Design Added 
* Featured image position issues fixed 
* WooCommerce issues fixed 

= 1.0.1 - Apr 10 2018 =
* Header Image and Slider Issue Fixed
* Some minor design fixed.

Version 1.0.0 
Theme Released

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